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Liquor - Morelli's Market
MORELLI’S MARKET 535 Tedesco Street at Payne Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55130 651-774-5961 [email protected]
Home :: Morelli's Market
We sell liquor, meat and Italian groceries all under 1 roof! We're located at the corner of Tedesco St. and Payne Ave. just 2 minutes from downtown St. Paul. Easy parking in our lot right outside our door, look on map.
Pioneer Press Ad - Morelli's Market
LIQUOR DEPARTMENT Monday - Saturday 8 AM - 8 PM Sunday 11 AM - 5 PM
Employment :: Morelli's Market
We periodically have openings in our Liquor and Meat & Deli Departments. We encourage anyone interested in working at Morelli's to send us an application. We will put it on file and contact you when openings occur.