Possessive apostrophe and names ending in "s". - Writing Forums
Oct 15, 2011 · This has always been a curiosity for me too, but a recent publisher's house style guide gave me a great answer a few months ago that I've been using since. I'm not sure how correct it is, but it's definitely logical and reflects the contemporary James's trend: James's (belonging to James) James' (I'm going over to the James' house)
James Patterson - Creative Writing Forums
Apr 2, 2013 · James Patterson also wrote a new book for preschool kids called Middle Shool the worst years of my life. There are som interesting parts in it, but it is too much like the Diary of a Wimpy. I guess James sometimes have a hard time coming up with new ideas.
The Mystery of Rhythms in the King James Bible
Dec 13, 2009 · Maybe a moderator could move it there if they would be so kind, but I thought that my piece had much to do with word mechanics, becaause it pertained to the usage of words in the King James Bible, and how, following the best of its rules, the King James Bible achieves rhythm almost as if without effort on the part of the translators.
The James Patterson Method - Creative Writing Forums
Dec 30, 2007 · James Michener used first person a lot in his novels to put himself at the periphery of the story. In "Tales of the South Pacific", he narrated most of the novel in 3rd person, but inserted himself into a few of the chapters as a minor character. It gave a sense of him really having been there.
Songwriting James Taylor on songwriting - Writing Forums
Dec 23, 2022 · I saw an interview with James Taylor some time back, where he gave advice on songwriting. One piece that stuck with me was this method: He'd take a song he'd like that somebody else had written, and either write new words for it, or a new melody. Then he'd take that new song and write a new melody or new words for it.
The Adventurer- A solo RPG based on journal entries
Rules available: The Adventurer by James Chip For the past year or so I've been using this game as a writing tool and I really like it. All you need is a deck of playing cards and whatever you like to write with.
James' or James's | Page 2 - Creative Writing Forums
Oct 3, 2020 · Actually, we usually DO pronounce the extra 's.' For example, how would you say that Henry James wrote The Turning of the Screw? I reckon you wouldn't say, "Henry James novel The Turning of the Screw. " You'd say. "Henry James's novel, The Turning of the Screw." Wouldn't you? Or 'the Jones's picket fence,' rather than 'the Jones picket fence.'
Sherlock Holmes pastiches recommendations? - Writing Forums
Jul 1, 2023 · In 1893, Sherlock Holmes and Henry James come to America together to solve the mystery of the 1885 death of Clover Adams, wife of the esteemed historian Henry Adams -- member of the Adams family that has given the United States two Presidents.
Dialogue? | Creative Writing Forums - Writing Help, Writing …
Jan 14, 2020 · "Hello, Alison." James greeted Alison with a big smile. (That tag—James greeted Alison with a big smile—is a complete sentence on its own. So it's separated from James's speech by a period, not a comma.) "Hello, Alison," said James, greeting Alison with a big smile.
James Burke End of Scarcity | Creative Writing Forums - Writing …
Jan 5, 2018 · James Burke End of Scarcity. Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by matwoolf, Jan 5, 2018. Will someone ...