Forest team partners with a real-tree-planting organization, Trees for the Future, to plant real trees on the earth. When our users spend virtual coins they earn in Forest on planting real trees, Forest team donates our partner and create orders of planting.
Redeem - Forest
If you encounter any problems when redeeming your code, please go to the Forest Settings page, tap on "FAQ and Support", then tap on the upper-right icon and select "Contact us" for further assistance.
Forest - Stay focused, be present
Forest is an app helping you stay away from your smartphone and stay focused on your work.
Forest Lite Privacy Policy
Types of Data collected Among the types of Personal Data that Forest (Special edition) collects, by itself or through third parties, there are: email address; Tracker; Usage Data; Universally unique identifier (UUID); Data communicated while using the service; crash data; device information; Camera permission; Storage permission; Photo Library permission; username; …
按一次返回鍵到應用 > 權限管理 > 右上角三個點按鈕 > 特殊訪問權限 > 電池優化 > 不允許改成所有應用 > Forest > 允許改成不允許
Forest - Join Room
1. Open Forest and enter the session code manually. XXXXXX. Copy
{"page_title":{"message":"Forest - Stay focused, be present"},"faq_alarm_intro":{"message":"To make sure the alarm of Forest works properly, please take the following ...