Mae’r Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd (ASB) wedi cyhoeddi canllawiau arferion gorau i’r diwydiant ar ddarparu gwybodaeth am alergenau i ddefnyddwyr â gorsensitifrwydd i fwyd. Y bwriad yw annog y diwydiant i d ...
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued best practice industry guidance on providing allergen information to consumers with food hypersensitivities, encouraging information on food allergens to be ...
Cereal Partners UK and Ireland are recalling Nestlé Frosted Shreddies because they may contain small hard lumps of sugar which have formed in the product. This makes the product unsafe to eat and may ...
Baxter’s Food Group is recalling Baxter’s Sliced Gherkins Crunchy & Sweet because they contain mustard which is not mentioned on the label. This means the product is a possible health risk for anyone ...
We are required to invoice the meat industry by law and HM Treasury guidance, as stated in Managing Public Money, to charge businesses for the services we provide to them. Official Veterinarians (OVs) ...
We use cookies to make work, understand how you use the website and make improvements. They aren’t used to identify you personally. Find out more about cookies ...
Controls exist on certain foodstuffs from certain countries to protect public health. These may either specify conditions of import or suspend imports depending on the risk. Consignments of controlled ...
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) works to protect public health and consumers’ wider interests in relation to food in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our work protects people’s health, reduces the ...
Certain food and feed products, called regulated products, must go through a risk analysis process, and require authorisation before they can be sold in the UK. Before you begin the application ...
Cheshire Farm is recalling Caramelized Biscuit Ice Cream and Biscoff Ice Cream because they contain hazelnuts which is not mentioned on the label. This means the products are a possible health risk ...