Attackers on Telegram are disguising malicious scripts as videos and tricking users into running them. Accidental clicking ...
At least one million Android devices have been compromised by a backdoor installing bot, including tablets, streaming boxes ...
Pi Network hits 4 million followers on X, boosts visibility with millions of downloads, but the Binance listing remains uncertain.
New York Jets cornerback Sauce Gardner had a little fun when a Pittsburgh Steelers fan gently attempted to recruit him.
A malware-based botnet, BadBox 2.0 uses lower-cost, off-brand Android devices to commit malicious acts including fraud. The ...
The best sweepstakes casino apps have several convenient, secure payment methods. We assess the range of options.
A man invested $4 million in bitcoin and lost it all with a single click when he was targeted by a vishing scam, which uses ...
While ad fraud doesn’t get the same attention as phishing and malware attacks, it operates at a massive scale, and it ...
Google's tendency to cancel products and services has become a meme among certain techy types. The Google Graveyard is home ...
Google is updating the Play Store to improve widget discovery. New features include a dedicated widget search filter and a ...
If you enjoy using widgets on your Android phone, Google on Monday announced that it is adding three new features to improve ...