The Crabapple Fire in Gillespie County has burned 9,500 acres and is 55% contained, according to the City of Fredericksburg ...
National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologists are monitoring a "dry cold front" entering the state Wednesday and lingering ...
It was not immediately clear how many people were evacuated or displaced, according to the city of Fredericksburg.
As of 5 p.m. Monday, the Texas A&M Forest Service’s database said fire containment has climbed up to 95%, but there are still ...
The fire is reported to be 400 acres and is located about 8 miles northeast of Fredericksburg in Gillespie County.
Right now, the Crabapple Wildfire near Fredericksburg covers an estimated 9,500 acres and is only about 40% contained, ...
A wildfire that ignited near Fredericksburg on Saturday, which could be seen as far as Austin, is still less than 50-percent ...
Firefighters from across the region, state, and nation are working to contain the Crabapple Fire, which has affected ...