ЕРЕВАН, 6 марта. /АРКА/. Национальное собрание Армении во втором и окончательном чтении одобрило предложенные депутатом от провластной фракции "Гражданский договор" Айком Саркисяном изменения по ...
The Amulsar gold mine development program is a very promising project, according to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.
Armenia is interested in establishing transport and logistics links with Central Asian countries and China using Azerbaijani ...
According to an agreement reached several months ago, Yeghishe Kirakosyan will be relieved of his duties as Armenia's representative on international legal issues at his own request, the Armenian ...
The National Assembly of Armenia approved, in the first reading, a bill initiated by NA Speaker Alen Simonyan to amend the ...
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan believes that signing a peace treaty with Baku "will help solve all the problems."<br ...
YEREVAN, March 5. /ARKA/. A separate operator will regulate the gambling sector in Armenia, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan ...
Armenian farms will be offered crop insurance against frosts, Economy Minister Gevorg Papoyan said.
Регулированием сферы азартных игр в Армении будет заниматься отдельный оператор, заявил премьер-министр РА Никол Пашинян ...
При этом, цены на бензин в феврале текущего года по сравнению с январем этого же года понизились на 0,1%%, а на дизтопливо остались на том же уровне ...
The National Assembly of Armenia approved in the first reading the amendments proposed by Hayk Sargsyan, a member of parliament from the pro-government Civil Contract faction, to increase fees from ...
Deputies of the National Assembly of Armenia approved, in the first reading, a bill amending the Tax Code, proposing to double environmental fees and triple the fee for catching whitefish.