For the sixth consecutive year, the French bulldog is named Chicago’s number one pup, the American Kennel Club announced ...
Frenchies are followed by Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, German shepherds, poodles and some other longtime faves.
The French bulldog remains the top purebred in the US according to the American Kennel Club, retaining popularity despite health concerns and breeding controversies. The cane corso and other breeds ...
Nakikisimpatiya ang broadcaster na si Bernadette Sembrano sa singer na si Frenchie Dy matapos itong atakehin sa ikatlong ...
A South Florida animal rescue group is searching for a loving home for Bruno, a French bulldog with a spinal cord injury, ...
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's ...
WEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - A French bulldog stolen from a home in Cutler Bay was reunited with his owner, thanks to the help of good Samaritans. Adriana Lay said the kidnapping of her dog ...
The U.S. still has a major case of French bulldog fever, but a very different breed is staunchly chasing dog lovers' hearts, ...