Injury attorney law firm Singleton Schreiber and consumer advocate Erin Brockovich will host a virtual town hall meeting to ...
Brockovich is still an e. She is working with a San Diego law firm representing residents of Moss Landing, a town in Monterey ...
With that said, no news of a second season exists, but Toxic Town is currently streaming in full on Netflix, and you can ...
Laura Kroeger became the Grand Prize Winner of Final Draft’s Big Break 2024 features competition with her very first ...
Over the past decade, prolific director Steven Soderbergh (“Out of Sight,” “Erin Brockovich”) has increasingly turned to ...
The US campaigner brought to life by Julia Roberts in the hit 2000 film said that watching their inspirational story reminded ...
In a virtual town hall, PG&E reiterated the battery plant fires broke out at Vistra's Moss Landing facility and not their own as both companies are included in a lawsuit by more than 60 business ...
Supporting big business by watching movies about how to fight corporate interests is a pretty roundabout way of making a ...
Take one ice-cool movie star of sometimes hidden talent, one former maverick filmmaker turned shaper of sensual star vehicles and add a serious issue about real people. What you get is Erin Brockovich ...
The climate suits are among more than two dozen that collectively seek billions of dollars from Exxon Mobil Corp., BP Plc, Chevron Corp. and other oil companies.
These are the shows you shouldn't skip from the Netflix top 10 list, including a Kate Hudson-led sports comedy, a harrowing ...